2023, Week 26

I started the year off intending to do this weekly but Florida kinda happened. Let’s see if we can restart.

Album of the week: Maximillian Colby’s Discography / Have one of their songs on a comp with IIRC Hot Water Music and liked it. This is more of the same kinda post-hardcore stuff I cut my teeth on in the 90s.

Also terrific:

  • Episodes 5-8 of the 2nd season of the Bear was as good as anything I’ve seen in a while. I was a little disappointed with the finale (Ep 9) but 5-8 set such a high bar.
  • In advance of getting his non-bunk bed, we were getting rid of one of two crib mattresses A has held onto for fort-building. He spent a good 45 mins jumping and tackling it on the front lawn.
  • Maron’s WTF interview with Warren Zanes intrigued me enough to check out his book Petty: The Biography for our trip to North Carolina. Also picked up 6 CDs for the car ride from the library:
    • Born in the USA
    • Beyonce
    • Tom Petty’s Greatest Hits
    • Violator by Depeche Mode
    • Let England Shake by PJ Harvey
    • Spirit by Willie Nelson
  • Also listened to Against Me!’s New Wave
  • Watched Champions (also after hearing a WTF interview with Bobby Farrelly) and thought it was really good and genuine.

Taken after getting lost on our way to Munson Falls.