One of the nice things about A going to school — besides the fact that I think he loves it and seems to have a great time interacting with the other kids — is that Janeen gets some well-deserved alone time. So we can do stuff like have lunch together. We tried the a new Indian restaurant today on Magnolia which was pretty good. It was nice to have an adult conversation about work and parenting without a little someone screaming 10 minutes into the meal.

Later that night I went to Waterworks and said goodbye to Josh, who used to work for the AFL-CIO here and who’s moving to California to work for the labor movement there. I saw a whopping 8 other people I knew there — which really was kind of unprecedented.

Janeen and I watched The Giant Mechanical Man tonight. It was a quiet movie about 30-year-olds figuring it out and falling in love. Joyous was a word I thought about after it. Not b/c the movie was so happy or stupendous, it was probably neither, but it was about a search for joy and the simplicity of it, of finding it in a single other person. Maybe only 6-7 thumbs up, but fit nicely into my thinking these days.

It’s been more than a year since Janeen and I went to the movies — having seen “We Bought a Zoo” a few weeks before A was born. So when I surprisingly got a day off for President’s Day as part of our newly bargained contract, we decided to go to the movies. Unfortunately we were left deciding between a Nicholas Sparks film that Ebert Roper described as “nuttier and cornier than the snack-food aisle”, a Zombie-ish movie (“Warm Bodies”) and Identity Thief. We went with the latter assuming it’d be the least risky. So after a tasty Indian lunch we used up the last our our AMC gift care we got as a wedding gift (2+ years ago…)

It was about what I thought it’d be: amusing, laugh-out-loud-funny in parts, and largely forgettable. But it was fun — and felt a bit decadent – to go to the movies in the middle of the day with my lovely wife. I’m guessing that now that A’s in school we’ll be back before a year — esp. when we have 4-day weeks in the summer!

Got Married to Janeen!

It’s gonna be hard to beat the awesome thing I did on December 31, 2010 (which is why this seemed like a good Listcore project for 2011): I got married to Janeen today! And we had a great wedding with a bunch of our close friends, family, great beer and terrific music.

Top that shit, 2011!