Just another wallet phone.

A friend recently commented that he wasn’t able to see what was up with me since I wasn’t on Facebook. This is an attempt to correct.

This is an on again, off again, on again attempt to write down things about my life and share pictures I take. I’ve taken three stabs at it. Most of them have been re-collected here, where appropriate. Let’s see how it goes this time. — May 2021

Version 3.0 (2012)

From the 2nd post of a new stab at all this:

I parked /Notes here just after we moved from Gainesville to Tallahassee. I was starting a new job and thought this would be canvas: To document, learn, speak, experiment. But like so many other projects it was only partially thought-out and suffered for it. 3 months later it sits here unused.

Version 2.1 (2013)

Written as the the intro to the Listcore 010 reboot:

There must be something about ‘ten’. Decided, as I soaked in the Jason Anderson/Paul Baribeau show on Jan. 25 (my little brother’s birthday) to restart this — probably during Baribeau’s “10 Things“. It’s just a daily attempt to — as Baribeau sings — “try to list the endless reasons why it’s good to be alive, and then just smile for awhile about them…”

name ten things you wanna do before you die and then go do them.
name ten places you really wanna be before you die and then go to them
name ten books you wanna read before you die and then go read them
name ten songs you wanna hear again before you die, get all of your friends together and scream them

because right now all you have is time time time yeah,
but someday that time will run out.
that’s the only thing you can be absolutely certain about.

think of all the things that are wrong with your life and then fix them
think of all the things that you love about your life, be thankful you are blessed with them
think of all the things that hold you back and realize that you don’t need them
think of all the mistakes you have made in your life, make sure that you never repeat them

because right now all you have is time time time yeah,
but someday that time will run out.
that’s the only thing you can be absolutely certain about.

name ten thousand reasons why you never wanna die, go and tell someone who might’ve forgotten
try to list the endless reasons why it’s good to be alive, and then just smile for awhile about them

soon the sun will rise and another day will come
soon enough the sun will set, another day will be gone

and right now all you have is time time time yeah,
but someday that time will run out.
that’s the only thing you can be absolutely certain about

— Paul Baribeau

Version 2.0 (2010)

From what was originally launched as Listcore 010: “The original idea here—knowing that we were getting married on New Year’s Eve, taking a honeymoon and trying to have a baby—was that I’d do something awesome everyday.”

Version 1.0 (2007-2009)

From a widget — an about of sorts entitled “Will There Be Distance?” — on the front page of my wordpress.com site:

XTH is one more neglected piece of the 10thumbs web empire. The site is supposed to be working together with the 10thumbs sketchbook to develop the next (first?) 10thumbs site.

Negotiations are underway with mid-level hacks at Listcore, By Bye Gainesville Records, PTRO design and a few other pointless ventures to bring them all under the 10thumbs web empire. Designers and information architects are working around the clock to make this all happen.

Hat tip to Santheo: The Making of A Restaurant for the idea of compiling all these ideas in one place.

Launched as “There Will Be Distance” in early 2007 because we had to. Relaunched in December 2009 as XTH.

Never did actually embark on anything as ambitious as Santheo, but it was a useful wading in of the toe.