Candi, Andrew and I have had a pretty long history of some mammoth game playing and I’m usually brought in as a 3rd (or 4th now with Jason taking over the 3rd spot) to test out and learn new games.

Tonight we played 4(!) hours of Cosmic Encounters. I think Candi got it for Andrew for Christmas and this was our first opportunity to try it out. We had a great time as always playing, but ultimately Cosmic Encounters doesn’t come close to cracking the upper echelon of games in rotation: Race for the Galaxy, Nexus Ops, or even Blue Moon City.

Continued celebrating with friends

Lots of friends were still in town for the wedding and I took advantage, getting together with a bunch of them.

First, after running around to get keys to CMC so we could help Chad and Alex unload the chairs we borrowed for the brunch, Howard and I grabbed lunch at Buddha Belly. Howard is one of my oldest friends but we don’t get to see each other much since he lives in Olympia. We’ve been through a lot together, shared two different houses (including the HAM House), gotten in some good fights (right Jerky?!) but have always had a good, honest relationship. Much like talking with Chad & Amy after the brunch, talking with Howard about parenthood, adulthood and the future was a great addition to the weekend.

After lunch, Howie split to catch up with James — such is life for Gainesville ex-pats on whirlwind return trips — and Janeen and I went over to Candi’s for to meet Erika & Arne’s son, Espen and celebrate his 2nd birthday. Any birthday where you can drink beer and hang out with little kids is an awesome time.

After resting up a dozen or so friends got together at the Top for dinner. More beer and kids and good food!

We ended the evening back at Candi & Andrew’s with a 9-person game of Bang. Of course stupid Jason didn’t trust me that I was his deputy and shot me early on in Game 1. He will never let that down (since I won’t let him).