site notes

/notes homepage <ol>

  1. 10 Thumbs
    1. about
    2. now
    3. then (LC 003)
    4. info
    5. act/org
    6. tools
  2. Organizing
    1. Freedom Coalition
    2. Civic Media Center
    3. Center for Campus Organizing
    4. Labor Party (+ ACLP)
    5. Healthcare-NOW!
    6. Not Me, Us Florida
  3. Listcore (active projects only)
    1. 000
    2. 001
    3. 004
    4. 006
    5. 007
    6. 008
    7. 011
    8. Start & Finish
  4. Design
    1. SFCC
    2. PTRO
    3. UDW
    4. FEA
  5. Notes
  6. Links
  7. Listen
  8. Words
    1. Prairie Fire (c. 1993-1995?)
    2. Selected Gainesville Iguana articles, 1996-2008
    3. Selected articles from The Advocate
    4. Notable proposals and unpublished drafts
      • Towards a National Student Group (c. 1996)
      • Student Activism Historical Society (c. 1999)

Web to-dos (theme: WRITE PRO)

    1. finish cleaning up old posts
    2. keep/remove “ones and zeroes”
    3. build out main menu pages (theme: LOVECRAFT)

    1. photoshop img for headers
      1. 1280 x 444
    2. figure out footer
    3. list out WP themes (below)

    1. finalize tags
    2. clean up entries
      1. tags
      2. links

figure out where to stash:
  • time dorks

WordPress themes

Blog or general purpose


Specific Project

  • LC 004
    • Blogum (WPshower; would probably want to update the type; Used for LC 006 at one point)
    • Iwata (Anders Noren)
  • From LC 007 notes:
    • Editor — need to edit but I think i can match the look of the Tumblr version.
    • Rebalance — poss more flexible front page; don’t know why 0003 is showing up first though.
    • Bushwick – Like the larger left side image, but wonder if I could change how the list of posts on the front could change from the # a sliver of the feat. image…
    • Hitchcock — like the front page, but needs some fiddling with to deal with diff. size covers on the single page
    • Gazzette has text overlaid on covers (using the IMAGE post type); like Rebalance and Hitchcock type better; not crazy about the single-post page


Right now just some notes for UDW Local #149 Numbering system — do like some record labels that distribute other associated labels: UDW-0001 / project name UDW-0002 / project name 2 UDW-0003 / project name 3… IG-001 / Iguana JAN 2007 IG-002 / Iguana MAR 2007… UFF-001 / Higher Ed & New President UFF-002 / Factsheet UFF-003 / Impasse handout… Should I include any student projects or just link back to the student website (yes to 2nd part, i think)