Today was the last day of the Healthcare-NOW conference. After the HCN board meeting (which I had to chair and did so well) we went across the street for beers and Phillip and Margot came and joined Katie and the group. She was such a happy little baby full of smiles and joy. (Had a great pic but don’t feel comfortable without K/P’s permission.)

It poured last night. Maybe because we’re a little higher off the ground, the sound of the rain on our house and the yard is soothing and overwhelming. It was so calming to lie there listening to the deluge as I drifted off to sleep.

Janeen had the terrific idea to load up and go to the beach after Avett’s nap. It was a beautiful day and after missing a turn or two we got down to Mashes Sands. Avett wasn’t as overjoyed as I thought he might be, but he was pretty happy. We met another family from Tallahassee who — after some prodding from their dad — shared their toys and sort of took A under their wing. On the way home we stopped at a local joint for some yummy fried seafood, which Avett totally chomped up.

One of the nice things about A going to school — besides the fact that I think he loves it and seems to have a great time interacting with the other kids — is that Janeen gets some well-deserved alone time. So we can do stuff like have lunch together. We tried the a new Indian restaurant today on Magnolia which was pretty good. It was nice to have an adult conversation about work and parenting without a little someone screaming 10 minutes into the meal.

Later that night I went to Waterworks and said goodbye to Josh, who used to work for the AFL-CIO here and who’s moving to California to work for the labor movement there. I saw a whopping 8 other people I knew there — which really was kind of unprecedented.

The weather finally cleared up a little bit, so I took the opportunity to bask in the sunlight and walked down to Voodoo Dogs for a hamburger. Yummy and restful while I read through a somewhat insipid but visually engaging book. I figured out that the quick stroll down to the All Saints area is just under 2 miles round-trip.

Life sort of got away from me there in the very beginning of March, so I missed a few days here. Lots of fun stuff with Avett that may start to sound repetitive. I did come across this beauty and started dreaming big….


Janeen and I watched The Giant Mechanical Man tonight. It was a quiet movie about 30-year-olds figuring it out and falling in love. Joyous was a word I thought about after it. Not b/c the movie was so happy or stupendous, it was probably neither, but it was about a search for joy and the simplicity of it, of finding it in a single other person. Maybe only 6-7 thumbs up, but fit nicely into my thinking these days.

I got my Radon book (and Cometbus #55) in the mail today and was finished with it 40 minutes after J had put A down for bed. I’m not smart enough to understand everything Aaron and Travis are saying — but a big chunk of it boils down to that punk is right. Selfishly I wanted something more sappy, but I can’t wait to think it through some more, and hear Awww Geez again.

Came across this video and listened to it while I did page layout. Ian MacKaye is inspirational. Which means doing it, just being inspired is only half of the equation. It got the rust moving off the gears though.

One bit that was interesting—among ALL OF IT to tell the truth—was his saying that they wanted to make as much music for those who wanted to hear it. Not 10,000 records for 1,000 people or a room that holds 1,000 for 10,000. So Dischord started making CDs b/c people wanted them, or tapes when that’s what folks wanted and stopped when they didn’t. They sold 125,000 copies of Repeater on cassette.

Time to get to work!

When I came home today, Janeen and Avett were just finishing walking Miles. A was riding his new trike that he loves to ride. As they came down the driveway hill he was smiling — and it was a smile of sure pure joy and hapiness, unfettered by anything. It was the joyous expression of someone doing exactly what they wanted to do. He was soooo happy that it filled my heart.